Custom Rumble 3: and the winner is...
The special jury of experts has issued the final verdict: the most beautiful custom Scrambler of the Land of Joy is the Scrambler 1100 FT by Marco Graziani of CC Racing Garage.

After the verdict of the Scrambler community, came that of the special jury of experts: the Scrambler 1100 FT by Marco Graziani from CC Racing Garage is the winner of the third edition of the Custom Rumble, thanks to the support of the Ducati Roma store.
The coronation took place yesterday in the live streaming award ceremony on Scrambler Ducati’s Facebook page, hosted by Scrambler Ambassador Dominika Grnova and followed by 16,000 users. The Scrambler 1100 FT was declared the most beautiful Scrambler custom in the Land of Joy by the special jury of experts composed by the actor and passionate Ducatista Nicholas Hoult, riders Chaz Davies and Andrea Dovizioso, the founder of BikeShed Dutch Van Someren and the Italian customizer of Officine Rossopuro Filippo Barbacane, each one connected from their home.
Scrambler 1100 FT, a Bully in name and in fact
The Scrambler 1100 FT by Graziani, a customizer based in Rome, Italy, had already triumphed in the first phase of the contest, being the most voted by Scrambler fans among all 74 participants. It reached the final as the winner of the Bully category, the one reserved for Scrambler 1100. Being an engineer and customizer of many Ducati models, Graziani had chosen the Scrambler 1100 Special to unleash all his inventiveness and launch the challenge to the other contenders, among which stood famous names from the international Custom Scene.
In his project he decided to preserve the front headlamp, the rear headlamp and the tank, which he considered the key elements of a Ducati Scrambler, while intervening on colour, graphics, exhaust and rear.
Graziani’s design solutions have enthused the jury of experts both from an aesthetic and technical point of view. The bike scored the only ten in the final, those of Andrea Dovizioso and Nicholas Hoult, and an overall rating of 46/50.
The final ranking
In second place, with 43/50, was the creation of Ducati Hellas feat. Jigsaw Customs (Athens, Greece), winner of the Rocker category. Third step on the podium for Nick Tansley, Barcelona’s customiser and winner of the Outsider category. In fourth and fifth place were, respectively, Francesco Russo from Naples, who together with Moto Design Custom created the winning Scrambler of the Cut-down category, and Nguyen Ximong, customizer from Hanoi, Vietnam, winner of the All-Terrain category.
Custom Rumble: a dream-like roll of honour
Scrambler 1100 FT thus succeeds in the Custom Rumble palmares to Scrambobber and ESG Rumble 400, the winning custom Scramblers of the two previous editions. As a prize, Graziani receives a Beta workbench complete with customizer kit, the perfect tool to enhance creativity and free self-expression.